Child psychotherapy
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What is Theraplay®?

Theraplay® is an interactive, directive attachment based play therapy. Having theoretical roots in Attachment Theory (Bowlby 1969, 1973, 1988) and interpersonal theories of human development, especially Self Psychology (Kohut, 1971, 1977, 1984) and Object Relations theory (Winnicott, 1958, 1965, 1971), Theraplay was at first known to be effective in treating parent-child relationship problems (Jernberg, 1979) and has currently used to effectively treat most of children's mental disorders including but not limited to emotional and behavioral disorders, complex trauma, autism, regulatory disorder, sensory integration disorder, and etc (Booth & Jernberg, 2010; Wetting, Coleman, & Geider, 2010). By helping children enhance attachment, self-esteem, trust in others through fun, physical, interactive, and healthy relationships in treatments, Theraplay often brings drastic changes of child;s concerned behaviors. The parents are always involved to become a co-regular or co-therapist in alleviating concerned behaviors.

Inside of Theraplay room


Theraplay area & Mirroring area


How Will Theraplay Benefit A Child?

As we work with families we have a number of important goals.

  • Our playful, attuned, here and now interaction will create positive, hopeful internal working models for parents and child.
  • Our focus on co-regulation of affect will lead to the capacity for self-regulation for parents and child.
  • Our adult guided, playful interaction will provide the foundation for positive social skills.
  • Our responsive, attuned, empathic approach will create a secure attachment between parent and child.
  • This secure and healthy parent-child relationship will lead to lifelong good mental health.


Children have been referred for a wide variety of problems including

  • Withdrawn or depressed behavior
  • Overactive-aggressive behavior
  • Temper tantrums
  • Difficulty socializing and making friends

Children also are referred for various behavior and interpersonal problems resulting from learning disabilities, developmental delays, and pervasive developmental disorders. Because of its original focus on attachment and relationship development, Theraplay has been used successfully for many years with foster and adoptive families.

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